Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday pre-K wrap letters D and E

Yes, I skipped a Friday. We've been busy, okay? Don't make me put you in a corner!

So this week, you get the added bonus of an extra week of work. Woohoo!

These past two weeks were all about the letters Dd and Ee! We printed out crafts and activities from DLTK's Alphabuddies section and Coral was able to color and glue independently, and continues developing her skills with the scissors. For letter Dd week, we used the Letter Dd template, Doctor Doggy D, the heart dinosaur, the donkey, and the paper dog craft (one per day). 

For letter Ee week, we used the letter Ee template, Elizabeth E, the Elmo toilet paper roll craft, and the E is for Egg coloring page. We took one day off to entertain her cousin.

For last week, I selected a weekly theme of "transportation" and gleaned ideas from the PreKinders website, shooting for one activity per day. She compared toy car tracks driven through clay, painted a traffic light, colored a name train, play-acted "The Wheels on the Bus," and saw what sort of boats would float. This week was all about pets. We acted out different animals, played veterinarian, and looked at many different animal books. She also got to help feed our pet rabbits.

We read together a new book each day. Ibis has slowly been taking over some of this as she loves to read and it makes her feel very important if she gets to be the one who helps her younger siblings. Bonus, it improves her reading skills and confidence, and (hopefully) will let sisters be friends. Hey, one can dream.

Additionally, she colored pages in her Mead Workbook. She has finished all of the color and shape pages and the majority of the rest of it consists of writing skills. At age 3 1/2 she doesn't really yet have the eye-hand coordination for letters, so I am putting this portion on hold.

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