Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 23

Sometimes, life gives you lemons. So you run them over [a zester], cut them in half, and squeeze the heck out of 'em.

And then you make lemon bars.

We had a good day at school; this new plan where Ibis can choose the order of her lessons and place a sticker on each lesson box in her planner as it is completed seems to have made a world of difference in her attitude. This is the child whose stubbornness could put a mule to shame. Allowing her a little bit of control over her daily tasks has apparently made her feel like she is now the one in control of her learning, and she is loving it. For the first time this year she spoke with joy and enthusiasm about a spelling page - yes, spelling! - and she has chosen to read books to her little sister for her daily book-of-choice exercise. In fact, the two of them usually read four or five books a day together.

That's the kind of sight that lets you know all is right with your world.

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