Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 17

Hallelujah, we managed to get completely finished with school with all three kids by lunchtime today! I don't know quite how it happened, but I am not complaining. All three kids earned their reward dollars today - maybe there is still hope for that idea. Now if only I could get the baby to take a nap, it would truly be a record-breaking day. But I don't plan on getting too excited about that one happening!

Alexei, Grade 4
math p 98-103 : multiplication tables
reading practice p 7-9 : prepare to read story
reading p 54-73 : read Mighty Jackie : The Strike-Out Queen by Marissa Moss
social studies p 50-57 and homework p 14-15 : United States government

Ibis, Grade 2
math p 43 and 45 : Ch. 2 review and test
reading p 108-110 : read poem "Dogs" by Marchette Chute
writing p 20-25 : write a description of a favorite room using main idea and colorful details
social studies p 66-73 : read about maps and color a map with a map key

coloring a map using a map key

Coral, pre-K
color and glue Doctor Dog Alphabuddy
color a simple pattern (workbook)
learn the letters of her name and color a name train
listen to poem "Dogs" as read by Ibis

Coral's name train - helps distinguish a capital letter at the start of a name
click and save for a template (add/subtract cars for your own name)

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