Saturday, October 2, 2010

I command you to make these

For the love of all that is buttery, cinnamony goodness, you HAVE to make The Pioneer Woman's cinnamon rolls. Set aside the negative thoughts you may have : "What on earth will I do with six pans of cinnamon rolls??" Is this fat free?" "I'm no good with yeast." Stop whining and start baking! Over the past week I have made these twice (isn't that what Saturdays are for?) and my good friend also gave them a try. She sent us home with a pan; we nibbled graciously.

Actually, the pan was empty and had been licked clean by the time we pulled into our driveway. Hey, it was a long drive home. They're like a good 5 miles from us!

Just go make these. They are heavenly! The only thing I did differently was use a plain glaze instead of maple/coffee - just sub a teaspoon of vanilla for the maple flavor and equal parts milk for the coffee.

Here's the freshly cut line on the first go-round, and my little helper.

fresh out of the oven

ready to eat!

Now go make your own!

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