Tuesday, October 27, 2009

31 weeks and going!

Had another uneventful appointment with my OB today. Little guy is 31w4d today and everything is still looking good. I'm a big fat 191 pounds but that is in keeping with what I should be gaining. Blood pressure was 110/70 which is fabulous. Pee was clean. The baby's heartrate was perfect and we're still just sitting around waiting to see what will happen next! I go back in 2 weeks provided nothing happens between now and then.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

30 weeks!

I actually had my appointment with my OB last Tuesday and everything was looking good - blood pressure is still reasonable at 120/77, I'm measuring about a week ahead by fundal height, and baby's heartbeat sounded great. The happiest part was my urine is still clean - who knew that would be a cause to celebrate LOL Then this morning I had my appointment up at the hospital with the perinatologist for the Level II u/s. My BP was nice and low at 122/60. Baby is looking great, his heartrate was 143, amniotic fluid was good. The placenta is at 4.51cm and it looks healthy and bloodflow is adequate. They pegged his size at 3lb, 12oz which is 67th percentile. Coral was born at 30w1d (two days earlier than this 30w3d u/s) at 3lb, 3oz so if they're correct he's a good size! Other than that, everything is good! I'm at 189 pounds, yippee. I hit the big mark on Saturday at which I had Coral, and it feels like such a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders that we got past that scary milestone.

Oh yes! And my blood sugar number was a nice low 92 from the previous visit's screening. Thank goodness!

playing catchup!

I had my high-risk appt today with maternal/fetal medicine up at the hospital. The tech was super nice and printed me off so many cute pictures of his feet, and face, and boy parts He is measuring great at 2lb 2oz and everything looks perfect with him. My blood pressure is still really good - it was 106/68. The tech did get a measurement of just over 4cm on the placenta which is good! MUCH better than last time! I see my OB next week for my regular appt (and glucose screen...joy) and I want his opinion on some things.